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Interior Design Tools

If you're going to work as an interior designer, you'll need the right interior design tools to do the job. Even amateur interior designers and students must have the right tools if they are going to get the job done right every time and continue advancing their skills. Since the interior designing tools of the trade are so important, most designers have dedicated tool kits where they can store everything they'll ever need in one convenient and easy to locate place.

One of the first tools that sets an interior designer apart is the use of a color wheel. Used in every stage of interior design, it helps designers make decisions about paint, flooring, wallpaper, window treatments, furniture and other accessories. Next, you will need graph paper, pencils, pens, rulers, a protractor, measuring tape, a t-square and a yard stick to make sure you have the right edges, dimensions and measurements and to plan an interior design job correctly.
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Interior Design Tools
Push pins and thumb tacks are important interior design tools for the creative planning components of the process. When you want to hang things on the wall you will also need picture wire, plastic anchors and cup hooks, as well as pins and needles. And when you want to cut fabric you will need some professional grade scissors with tempered blades.

Chances are you will also need some tougher cutting tools than scissors during some of your interior design jobs, including a box cutter and utility knife to open supplies or to deal with lightweight objects, plus a handsaw for working with wood and tougher fabrics like carpet. Some scraping and cleaning tasks may require a single-edged razor as well.

A professional glue gun is one of the most important interior design tools that you will use again and again, and extra glue sticks are a must. Rubber bands, plastic ties and sewing needles with thread may also be practical when you need to attach things together. And for tougher tasks, c-clamps, hammers, pliers and screwdrivers may be required. Paint brushes and rollers are also required, so don't forget about those.

These are the basic interior design tools you will need on a daily basis. As the job requires, you will also need to purchase fabrics, carpets, paints, stencils, picture frames, decorative pieces and much more.

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